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  • Any advice on working with a controlling manager? ?

    I’ve been at my current employer for six months now and working with my direct manager is draining. We had a working relationship through my previous employer, and she actually told me about this role and pushed my resume forward. I had reservations about accepting the job; I was concerned about how well we would work together and I didn’t receive my desired salary, financially I am in the same place I was at my previous employer. She has a very strong personality, and it’s past the point of her being type A...she’s anal! I can take constructive criticism, but she nitpicks my work. I hate to admit it, but I’m a little afraid of her. When she’s not in the office, I feel like I can breathe. She’s also very controlling when it comes to systems, events, projects etc. 

    My lease is up at the end of March and I am considering moving to D.C. I’ve been extremely unhappy in Richmond since moving here 3 years ago. There is much more opportunity and hopefully I can receive better pay with a MBA and experience. I’m thankful for everything that she’s done for me, but I just don’t believe that this is the right fit for me. I’m also thankful to have a job in the midst of a pandemic. I know that I will encounter more managers like this in the future (hopefully not). Any advice would be greatly appreciated! 

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment7 months ago
  • Spam Text and Calls?

    I changed my number a few months back and I’ve been receiving all types of spam text messages and phone calls...multiple times a day. I use to get them every blue moon, but now it’s to the point where it’s becoming annoying. I got a call from Iran yesterday and India the day before. My block list is so long! I’m not sure if it’s my number or my phone. I called my phone company and they weren’t helpful. 

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 months ago
  • What’s a good way to turn down a Multi-Level Marketing invitation? ?

    I’ve gotten two multi-level marketing invitations this week from people who I know, and I find it extremely uncomfortable to not respond or say no. What’s the best way to handle these situations. I know that I’m not interested in a pyramid scheme or selling products!

    8 AnswersMarketing & Sales9 months ago
  • What do you do when you already hate your new job?

    I’m thankful to have a job in the midst of a global pandemic, but working with my new manager is draining! I had reservations about accepting this job, because I worked with her briefly at my pervious company and I knew that she was type A. However, I didn’t know that it was to this extent! It’s to the point where she is anal about everything! She’s a micromanager and has to approve all of my work. I can take criticism, but not on everything that I do. There’s always a critique and my ideas are undermined The company itself lowballed me on salary. I’m still struggling financially with a MBA! I don’t see myself growing here. I want to stay at least though the end of the year. I’ve been taking free certification courses and saving my money to position myself for next year. What can I do in the meantime to improve my time here? 

    5 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment10 months ago