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What’s it like to be stunningly beautiful?
Favorite Answer:I am also curious. I suppose a lot of people are curious.
4 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style2 weeks ago - 28Upvotes of all answers in this question
Did my dog notice when I dyed my hair?
My hair has always been very dark. I recently bleached my hair and now it is almost white. Did my dog notice? If so, does she think I am a different person or does she know that I am still me?
14 AnswersHair2 weeks ago - 6Upvotes of all answers in this question
What's that smell from brand new unopened underwear I can't identify the scent?
Also how do you detect germs on new sweater it's too big to microscope it
7 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 weeks ago - 12Upvotes of all answers in this question
Does it look ok for a guy to wear Sandals with Khaki pants or jeans when going out?
Like if I'm going out with or visiting family. Also, say if My wife and 2 sons go out to a restaurant? I'm talking casual occasions, but with khaki pants, button down or polo shirt. No socks with the sandals of course.
12 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers in this question
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what stores sell toilets?
14 AnswersFashion & Accessories2 weeks ago - 4Upvotes of all answers in this question
Should I tattoo the bald spot on me head to say "filler up"?
Favorite Answer:hahah yes love it go for it ! maybe i should convince my dad to do the same
5 AnswersTattoos2 weeks ago - 12Upvotes of all answers in this question
How to clean a nail cutter that was used by someone that has sick nails?
Hello there
my dad has some funges thingy in his toe nails and i have in the house 2 quite expensive nail clippers which are very good
is there a way to clean it good from all kinds of bacteria so i wont have it also
i mean if i boil water and soap and put it there for a couple of minutes is this good enough?
8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style2 weeks ago - 4Upvotes of all answers in this question
Is Jennifer Aniston naturally tanned?
6 AnswersOther - Skin & Body2 weeks ago - 4Upvotes of all answers in this question
Does curly or straight hair look better on women ?
10 AnswersHair2 weeks ago - 36Upvotes of all answers in this question
Do you like my makeup ?
18 AnswersMakeup2 weeks ago - 36Upvotes of all answers in this question
Does my makeup look good ?
11 AnswersMakeup2 weeks ago - 5Upvotes of all answers in this question
Have you ever itched yourself in the shower and had dirt under your nails?
Why does that happen
5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style2 weeks ago - 3Upvotes of all answers in this question
Should I shave my head bald?
I am a 23 year old guy with black hair, faded sides and an inch on top. I've always been curious to go bald. Should I try it over the summer and go razor and shaving cream smooth bald.
Is that crazy? How will people react?
8 AnswersHair2 weeks ago - 7Upvotes of all answers in this question
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Why do white families sometimes have a mixture of hair and eye colors?
I know a girl who has green eyes and brown hair , her 2 brothers and other sister have blue eyes and blonde hair, and so does their mom and dad. But my whole family is stuck with brown eyes and almost black hair. Why? Is it cause I’m black?
13 AnswersHair3 weeks ago - 18Upvotes of all answers in this question
What is the wurst haircut?
Favorite Answer:i have heard of bowl cuts but never German or Austrian WURST sausage cuts
in contrast WORST 1- most corrupt bad evil or ill 2- most unfavorable difficult unpleasant or painful A PERSON can stop a person providing a hair cut at any time in the process and also make specific request of the stylist the customer has control
BAD an adjective 1- of poor quality or low standards
2- not such as to be hoped for or desired , unpleasant or unwelcome making the term BAD SUBJECTIVE to the individual and a group may adopt
SUBJECTIVE OPINION an adjective based on a INDIVIDUALS opinion and "FEELINGS " rather than facts
FACT is some THING that is true or that has Occurred and or has been PROVEN
PROVEN demonstrated to be the case the usual TEST for a FACT is whether a statement of Fact can be seen to be true
Scientific Facts are VERIFIED by careful observation or Measurement by experiment or other means
a FACT can answer questions example What color is this an OPINION is different than a Fact , but a person can say Facts about a persons opinion example " Alice says she likes the book , its a fact a occurrence that Alice says she likes the book, but Alice may not like the book so its NOT a Fact that Alice likes the book rather a fact she said she does
a FACT statement is most people use their legs to walk
a FALSE statement is Dogs are make of Cheese
23 AnswersHair3 weeks ago - 1Upvotes of all answers in this question
How do I get rid of white and black heads on my nose?
7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body2 weeks ago - 2Upvotes of all answers in this question
What hairstyle do you prefer the most during the covid-19 quarantine?
4 AnswersHair2 weeks ago - 10Upvotes of all answers in this question
Do people in the United States wear face masks outdoors?
9 AnswersOther - Skin & Body3 weeks ago