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  • Moving to Clearwater, Fl as a single young female?

    Hi all! I'm looking to move to southern florida in August by myself. I'm securing a job before moving but wanted to know more about the area in reguards to me being alone and wanting to meet people my age! I just want to live a quiet beach life and work but make some good friends to live life with. Also, any advice on how life is like there and best areas to rent an apartment! Really anything helps!

    side question: If not Clearwater what're your thoughts on Sarasota, St. Augustine or anywhere else with a non city younger crowd vibe.


    4 AnswersOrlando1 month ago
  • Moving to Florida 22 yr F?

    Hi! I am currently living in Texas and really want to move to Florida. I’m looking to move in early August of this year but I’m unsure of where exactly to look. My field of work is as an apartment leasing consultant and real estate and I plan to get re licensed once I move. I’m considering Naples for how safe and beautiful it is but I’m concerned with making friends my age. I’m very work focused, soon to be beach focused and just want to live a simple beach life and make life long friends here! Any tips would be appreciated on where to move and how to meet new people. I can afford about a $2,500 max rent, want a good beach town feel to the place and plenty of opportunities to meet people and be outdoors! 

    Thank you,

    2 AnswersOther - United States1 month ago
  • Moving to Florida, 22 yr F?

    Hi! I am currently living in Texas and really want to move to Florida. I’m looking to move in early August of this year but I’m unsure of where exactly to look. My field of work is as an apartment leasing consultant and real estate and I plan to get re licensed once I move. I’m considering Naples for how safe and beautiful it is but I’m concerned with making friends my age. I’m very work focused, soon to be beach focused and just want to live a simple beach life and make life long friends here! Any tips would be appreciated on where to move and how to meet new people. I can afford about a $2,500 max rent, want a good beach town feel to the place and plenty of opportunities to meet people and be outdoors! 

    Thank you,

    3 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 month ago