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  • Who wants to join our research & development team?

    Only serious posters please... I represent a group who may soon begin the development for procurement of a 'prototype' that creates fully sentient A.I. in the cybernetic environment. You welcome to send a response email of your interest and I'll tell you where you can send your resume. We prefer that you have a degree in mechanical or electrical engineering. Mathematicians are welcome too! We are also interested in people that are savvy about securing or finding serious development monies from various sources that will involve only 'buyouts' after the profit sharing from initial applications have been realized... we figure venture capitalists are a good place to start, but we lack the experience. We already have the 'accu-rated' & rigorous model in place... we only need to move from the theoretical to the actual working, integrated prototype! So, rest assured, we are not starting from scratch; let's just hope humanity can keep up with the "rates of change" that will soon precipitate!

    1 AnswerTechnology1 decade ago
  • Who wants to join our research & development team?

    Only serious posters please... I represent a group who may soon begin the development for procurement of a 'prototype' that creates fully sentient A.I. in the cybernetic environment. You welcome to send a response email of your interest and I'll tell you where you can send your resume. We prefer that you have a degree in mechanical or electrical engineering. Mathematicians are welcome too! We are also interested in people that are savvy about securing or finding serious development monies from various sources that will involve only 'buyouts' after the profit sharing from initial applications have been realized... we figure venture capitalists are a good place to start, but we lack the experience. We already have the 'accu-rated' & rigorous model in place... we only need to move from the theoretical to the actual working, integrated prototype! So, rest assured, we are not starting from scratch; let's just hope humanity can keep up with the "rates of change" that will soon precipitate!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Who wants to join our research & develoment team?

    Only serious posters please... I represent a group who may soon begin the development for procurement of a 'prototype' that creates fully sentient A.I. in the cybernetic environment. You welcome to send a response email of your interest and I'll tell you where you can send your resume. We prefer that you have a degree in mechanical or electrical engineering. Mathematicians are welcome too! We are also interested in people that are savvy about securing or finding serious development monies from various sources that will involve only 'buyouts' after the profit sharing from initial applications have been realized... we figure venture capitalists are a good place to start, but we lack the experience. We already have the 'accu-rated' & rigorous model in place... we only need to move from the theoretical to the actual working, integrated prototype! So, rest assured, we are not starting from scratch; let's just hope humanity can keep up with the "rates of change" that will soon precipitate!

    1 AnswerEngineering1 decade ago
  • Would You???

    If you had an 'accu-rated' model of sentient A.I. that promised riches, or surpassed that of Bill Gates, would you choose to develop its 'prototype' post haste??? Keep in mind, if diligent about your protecting your proprietary rights, you & your company are looking at indefinite period of full control over any developments & applications of this "ultimate O.S." The only 'drawback' is that an unsuspecting humanity will have to face a "no-holds-barred" future, because the official stance of the federal government is "hands off" or non-interventionist in keeping with the much-favored economic 'holy cow' of laissez-faire capitalism. You can also figure that the technology will move faster than any litigation or legislation can prove to bear. Ultimately, the worse that can happen to your company is that it will eventually be barred from pursuing some lines of application until such time that the 'bugs' have been removed. Think of 'embedded systems' alone... the applications are endless!!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Would You???

    If you had an 'accu-rated' model of sentient A.I. that promised riches, or surpassed that of Bill Gates, would you choose to develop its 'prototype' post haste??? Keep in mind, if diligent about your protecting your proprietary rights, you & your company are looking at indefinite period of full control over any developments & applications of this "ultimate O.S." The only 'drawback' is that an unsuspecting humanity will have to face a "no-holds-barred" future, because the official stance of the federal government is "hands off" or non-interventionist in keeping with the much-favored economic 'holy cow' of laissez-faire capitalism. You can also figure that the technology will move faster than any litigation or legislation can prove to bear. Ultimately, the worse that can happen to your company is that it will eventually be barred from pursuing some lines of application until such time that the 'bugs' have been removed. Think of 'embedded systems' alone... the applications are endless!!

    3 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • Would You???

    If you had an 'accu-rated' model of sentient A.I. that promised riches, or surpassed that of Bill Gates, would you choose to develop its 'prototype' post haste??? Keep in mind, if diligent about your protecting your proprietary rights, you & your company are looking at indefinite period of full control over any developments & applications of this "ultimate O.S." The only 'drawback' is that an unsuspecting humanity will have to face a "no-holds-barred" future, because the official stance of the federal government is "hands off" or non-interventionist in keeping with the much-favored economic 'holy cow' of laissez-faire capitalism. You can also figure that the technology will move faster than any litigation or legislation can prove to bear. Ultimately, the worse that can happen to your company is that it will eventually be barred from pursuing some lines of application until such time that the 'bugs' have been removed. Think of 'embedded systems' alone... the applications are endless!!

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Should the U.S. citizenry be asking presidential candidates where they stand on technology?

    New technologies abound - many have "high impact" potentials or open-ended application capabilities. Their respective "debuts" (and marriages) can have far-reaching & unforeseen effects, most often destabilizing. Do candidates stand for laissez-faire non-interventionism OR more proactive, reflexive approach whereby humankind is given due-notice & due-diligence, to encourage a participatory future & create organizations to expeditiously reach viable & reliable consenses as to the kinds of application which should be tolerated over a given span of time. This points to questions concerning rates of change & human abilities to maintain a cohesive society & sustainable ecologies.

    The technology acquisition curve - an exponential one, is NOT an academic "pipe-dream;" but a very real fact of our present day existence. Will we collectively choose to face a "no-holds-barred" future or one of "managed (in)sanity?" Think about genetics & the knee-jerk reactionism against stem cell research!

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should the U.S. citizenry asking where the presidential candidates stand on technology?

    New technologies abound - many have "high impact" potentials or open-ended application capabilities. Their respective "debuts" (and marriages) can have far-reaching & unforeseen effects, most often destabilizing. Do candidates stand for laissez-faire non-interventionism OR more proactive, reflexive approach whereby humankind is given due-notice & due-diligence, to encourage a participatory future & create organizations to expeditiously reach viable & reliable consenses as to the kinds of application which should be tolerated over a given span of time. This points to questions concerning rates of change & human abilities to maintain a cohesive society & sustainable ecologies.

    The technology acquisition curve - an exponential one, is NOT an academic "pipe-dream;" but a very real fact of our present day existence. Will we collectively choose to face a "no-holds-barred" future or one of "managed (in)sanity?" Think about genetics & the knee-jerk reactionism against stem cell research!

    1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • What's the U.S. Population's "Denial Rating?"?

    DENIAL = the "ostrich effect:" I know it varies with each person & with each issue, but rating from 1 to 100 - with 1 being completely savvied (under no delusions) & 100 being completely oblivious to the realities and trends out there, what do YOU feel is the overall rating. If this seems to be too big a spread over too wide a spectrum, then feel free to break it down to the eco-cultural subsystems- namely the local, national, & world community levels as they relate to political, economic, technologic, educational, sociolgical, & environmental issues.

    Then, if you're REALLY courageously introspective, rate your own level(s) of awareness in accordance with the eco-cultural subsystems stated previously. If you're a tooth-pickin' self-satisfied moron, don't bother answering this question or I'll report you for "abuse of privilege" for giving spurious, vacuous replies. I only want to read thoughtful responces to this question. One thing's for sure: a lack of responce will prove my point!!!

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • My Totem? Help Me In Its Selection....?

    I just finished watching one of my favorite movies, "Dances with Wolves," in witch the white, "longknife" protagonist - John Dunbar, is given his Souix (Dakota) name. After some reflection of what would relate my personal life essense to others, the best I can come up with is "Seeks-to-improve-human-thought...." which hardly has much of a romantic tone to it. And, despite my 'preoccupation' with bringing human reasoning to a more accomplished level, I am, in fact, an incurrable romantic... there is this sense of deep loss for humanity ( and our humanities) moving pall mall into a future for which it is ill-prepared... due to any number of factors, but mainly due to that ubiquitous ailment of "constricted awareness."

    So, is there an animal that seeks to aid humans despite their lack of reflexive & anticipatory thought... that can empathize with their "predicament," but would like to shake up their often destructive, and counter-productive habituated behavioral attributes. What?

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Can You Provide Real Insight as to an Effective Outreach Method or Approach?

    I KNOW for certain ( I'd stake my life on this fact) that what my group refers to as "applied machine intellect" - its "prorotype," is only a scant 10 to 15 years away from being realized, with or without my group's model being utilized, as it is VERY doubtful that we are the only ones who have met with our degree of success in this area of research. Many senarios are indeed "plausible," though some are HOPEFULLY "improbable;" Popular sci-fi films such as "Terminator," "Lawnmower Man" and so many other paint futures with possible applications-gone-bad. We are trying to reach out to the general public to create common, grassroots discussion & encourage the ultimate formation of concenses surrounding this critical juncture of applied tech. that stems from research into cybernetics, cognitive sciences, and materials sciences... We feel it imperative to get the public informed & into serious "reconnoitering dialogue" before the advent of this imminent technlogy, so give us your feedback!

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • For My Aussie Friends... A Bit of Trivia?

    10 points for any digger capable answering this 3-part question (with story)... 'Twas back in the late 70's & early 80's that I was "Down-Under" - or "Top-Over" (depending upon your prefered perspective - spin IS relative.) There was this talk show celebrity, as I recall it, who was invited to appear on the Carson Show stateside: The dialogue came to into the discussion about Aussie wildlife and the "should-be-well-known" "CROW" differentiaion between the vocalizations of American crows and "heat-prostated" Aussie crows ensued by this celeb. 1) Who was this (in)famous Aussie celeb? 2) Is he still about raising "mischief" on the airways? And, 3) does anyone know whereI might find a clip of the interview segment online? Certainly, SOMEONE must recall the "crow call" segment... you know, where the Aussie crow during the midday, 90*-in-the-shade heat calls out "Fah-ah-ah-ahk, Fah-ah-ah-ahk, Fah-ah-ah-ahk...." Think hard... it'll come to ya, mates! I Love & Miss Aussie-land! Best Regards!

    10 AnswersMelbourne1 decade ago
  • I just saw Janis Joplin on the Sundance Channel...?

    Anybody able to give me some of the memories you hold near and dear for this child of soul & the blues? Go ahead, wear your heart on your sleeve for a change, and "pour it out" in honor of our girl "too soon gone!" What if she had never overdosed? What if....

    11 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • State your one last piece of heartfelt advice to humanity from your deathbed:?

    If your passing words could be immortalized for humanity's benefit, what would it be the content??? Remember, you're dying, so it can't be "too long," but still feel free to write as prolifically as you wish - just try not to ramble on as the dying often do; try instead to keep the "flow" cohesive & coherent. Oh, and PLEASE, no "Rosebud" entries... the famed "Citizen Kane" responce is way too predictable!

    14 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • How can we succeed to better "curb our arrogance?"?

    The human species IS suffering [has ALWAYS suffered] from the human penchant for unbridled arrogance: We all know that this is an ongoing, "cross-cultural" affliction, & one of the leading contributors to humanity's greatest problems.

    This is an easy question to pose, quite another to competently address: Problem is, while we may genuinely understand that arrogance is an "inflated" behavioral distortion, reactive on issues that surround human pride - often, a defensive mechanism for felt inadequecies, this does NOT stop "it" from showing its ugly head when any one of us feels threatened or has an underlying sense of trepidation. If this were the only "cause", we might stand a fighting chance to effectively keep the behavior "in check." However, arrogance can also be born of genuine "superiority complexes," fixations on learned doctrine or dogmatic entrenchments of the mind, and even naturally occuring biases within the philosophies, world views, & "spins du jour." And, so it goes...

    9 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What are the shared attributes of human "rationality?"?

    I'm looking for people's grasp of the age-old ("archetypal") componentials that may be seen as "formative" in the creation of our reasoning capacities. What aspects of the mind's functionality can you name, e.g., long-term & short-term memory [ROM & RAM, respectively]?

    By viewing these within a matrix of develpomental indicies. we can come to better appreciate the unique "person-space" signatures each of us occupies... and I dare say, become a LOT more forgiving of our shared imperfections... when a person acts or behaves a certain way, there are always REASONS that point back to the developmmental indicies of their "skill sets."

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Define the word "tensegrity" [hint: use the dictionary if need be]:?

    Also, speak to how this system concept might impart added impetus to your various "spheres of influence." You may also want to consider how "geodesic principles" appy here: words like "synergy," balance or equilibration, complementarity, and "critical mass," is also a plus... Thanks in advance, to those who make the valid and supreme effort... if a could delegate points for each "super" responce I would.

    5 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • Is your "methodology" a common concern for you? If not, perhaps it should be?

    In whatever it is that you do, are the methods you employ or the approaches used, ever brought under "periodic review?" OR, is it pretty much "business as usual?" Do you try to improve on chronic difficuties experieced - patterns of counter-productivity, or do you simply attribute them to external forces "beyond your control..." and there can indeed be times when this IS the case.

    Please feel free to elaborate on your "tendencies..." Often, your personality will have a lot to do will your choices & perceptions in this regard. Just try to give an example when your attempts to remediate have proven worthwhile and another example when it has not.

    4 AnswersOther - Social Science1 decade ago
  • What do the words "sustainable ecologies" mean to you? And does this only pertain to the physical environment?

    When answering this question, consider the whole of humanity, and the "whole person." Words like synergy, tensegrity, complementarity, reflexive mentality, dynamics, systemics, etc. are pluses if used correctly. Thanks in advance to those thoughtful and intelligent enough to answer this in a legitimate way.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the "numbers game" that drives our institutions?

    Clarifications: Like so many educational institutions, the justification for existing in today's funding climate depends on the "numbers" that can be shown... for that, we have contrived standards and ludicrous measures that seem to get more transparent & lidicrous with each passing year. In special education alone we are seeing the creation of reloving doors to keep "programs" alive... much the same can be said for adolecents that get caught up in the court systems. If any one is "game enough to tackle this, I'd like you to consider the fact of our being entreched into this "numbers" mentality rather than showing the merits of a specific program in its ability to "fix" the problems - sociological & otherwise.

    PREFACE: I want to continue with questions like this, so that people start to question the status quo... the normally accepted "COWDUNG" (COnventional Wisdom of the DUmiNant Group) "out there."

    SUGGESTED READINGS: "Culture Against Man" by Jules Henry

    Environment for Man - Ewing

    3 AnswersSociology1 decade ago