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I am terminally jaded but have great enthusiam for things I have yet to learn. These fall into the following catagories: How to clip my cat's nails without him scratching the hell out of me. How to write a concise sentence full of momentum for the second one. What to put on my tombstone that will make people laugh their heads off. I have 5 best friends, none of whom live in this country. I can hunt down garden snails and turn them into a decent escargot. I get up at least twice in the night to write down ideas for plays, paintings, merchandising and how to keep a civil tongue when someone smarmy comes into my store. I have a crush on Colin Farrell, Olivier Martinez, Jeremy Irons and John Cusak. I always have a Gardenia floating nearby. I have the ashes of all my deceased animals. I am not aging gracefully and have grown my hair to my waist which will stay that way until I'm dead. Am still rockin', date younger guys and love hedgehogs.
Logged into myspace through my facebook account and tried to transfer some of the music I had on there over to my music on facebook Wrong!?
Two of the songs on myspace suddenly appeared on facebook in my former music section on my main page and totally wiped out everything I had there before. I got the myspace music off of there through their instrucitons but the entire music section I had on facebook before is gone. It still appears in another place but not on my main page. I've enabled it again to appear but to no avail. Can someone help
Thanks so much
1 AnswerFacebook6 years agohow do I get a cute avatar on yahoo answers No options for this.?
5 AnswersYahoo Profiles6 years agoCan I get Classic Mail back on windows 7 from Yahoo?
Really having a hard time maneuvering around. The old page was so clear. Just trying to find my contacts was like a scavenger hunt. Help.
3 AnswersPreferences and settings6 years agoHow to I access my old myspace profile?
I used to have a link to my old myspace profile that I loved.. through my Yahoo home page with all my likes on it but it disappeared as did my old myspace page which I loved. It's got to be somewhere? Thanks so much.
3 AnswersMySpace7 years agoWhy is my opening page changing to a Google search page?
I have windows 7 with an AT&T classic mail page that comes up immediately upon clicking EI. All of a sudden there's nothing but a huge, blank Google sign in page. It's not my default and I didn't ever program this. Help
1 AnswerGoogle8 years agohow do you mass delete all your old e-mails on Yahoo classic mail?
I have hundreds
2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail8 years agoWhat's the current idiomatic French word or phrase for "this is very cool"?
I know you can use the English word "cool" but I know there are a few other idiomatic phrases too...anybody have a clue? There used to be one that sounded like "schvett" but I know it's the wrong spelling. Merci
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoThey're tenting a house across the street for termites. I can keep my cat inside.but....?
I'm worried about the wild birds and my feeders. Even though the house will be tented across the street. Shall I take my feeders in for a couple of days?? Will the birds go to other places to get food and water? Haven't a clue.
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden9 years agoHow do I get facebook notices off of my e-mail on timeline?
I delegated them all to spam which was OK so I could just delete them but they keep on appearing in my e-mail instead of in my spam.
2 AnswersFacebook9 years agoHow do you delete old posts from friends on facebook?
There are a lot of things that appear from friends on a daily basis and I'd just like to delete the older ones.l How to? thank you.
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agohow to safely shut down my hp all in one computer?
2 AnswersOther - Hardware9 years agoHow do I delete my Yahoo profile information?
All of a sudden I'm getting requests for "friends" from Yahoo re my profile page and want to get all my personal info off. Do not want all these requests in my e-mail. Thanks.
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Products1 decade agoHow do I transfer all my blogs from myspace to my p. c...for later reference?
Myspace is closing a lot of it's features in the next few weeks and I'm worried that my blogs on there, some of which I'm going to publish will get lost in the shuffle. How can I export them to my p. c. The simplest answer would be the best as I'm technically c hallenged. Thank you so much.
2 AnswersMySpace1 decade agoThey're apparently going to delete all our beautiful profiles in favor of some sterile format. How to save it?
Apparently myspace, after September is going to delete everyone's previous beautiful profile pages. These are pages that we've all worked hard on, downloading appropriate music, pictures, designs, etc.
There are thousands of us that will be left with a sterile facebook type profile. Is there a way to save our
pages and transfer them somewhere in whole to a different social network or start one of our own. We're all just bereft at this. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I've already read what they have up
explaining it and it's grim. The only reason we're all on there still is because of this option. Any alternatives out there? Thanks.
1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade agoCan't get music off my profile myspace.?
I received a comment from a friend wherein she had attached some music to go with it. Now the music mysteriously found it's way to my profile page to the exclusion of everything else.. I can no longer download songs through my music player and her music just keeps playing on there. Very frustrating. Tried to delete the comment but it didn't make any difference. It just plays auomatically when I click on.
1 AnswerMySpace1 decade agoAs of this afternoon, 8-20-09 my myspace is totally screwed up in every way!!?
When I tried to log in my home page didn't come up. Instead was all this blank space with some options way over to the left. Had to scroll down through dozens of lists to even find my page and then a huge, white square showing some IM options obliterated the rest of my page so I could'nt read anything or send anything. What's going it temporary or how in the h. do I get that new IM block of white off permanently. Never use it anyway. Help. Thanks
2 AnswersMySpace1 decade ago