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Favorite Answers26%

I was born in Glasgow in Scotland and now live in London. I am a qualified Chef and I have been cooking for many years. To all those who have helped me, and to those who choose me as their best answer I send a genuine Thank You! Rab

  • Regarding Yahoo Answers.?

    I find it really annoying on answering a question, having done some research hoping to help someone just to find that the question has been deleted after the time you have spent typing in your answer. Why if someone deletes a question is it still on the board?

    This and the petty rules,are driving me to think I'll just stop visiting this site all together. all the best. Rab

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What would you say to this?

    Hi All, I just want to wish everyone a Very merry Christmas and a Happy healthy and prosperous new year. All the best. Rab

    There is no need to respond,I thought I'd better pose this as a question, or the yahoo thought police might come after me!

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What would you say to this?

    Hi All, I just want to wish everyone a Very merry Christmas and a Happy healthy and prosperous new year. All the best. Rab

    There is no need to respond,I thought I'd better pose this as a question, or the yahoo thought police might come after me!

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago

    Why do you think that the man making this video does not know anything about Cooking, Health, Hygiene, Bacterial infestation,. Viruses, Food, poisoning health and safety,Water regulations and a multitude of other negligent practices ?

    Comments welcome

    1 AnswerOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Why would my question be removed if it was not in any way offensive or rude?

    In jokes and riddles I asked the question - What goes up a chimney down but won't go down a chimney up? The answer by the way is an umbrella. For some reason this was removed, Although at the time of asking I had not put in the answer as I wanted to know how many people could get it correct. I don't see this as rude or offensive in any way just a straight forward riddle. So can anyone explain to me why it was removed? I will be grateful if the person who removed it could explain. Thank you .Rab

    15 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • When I have answered a question and someone thanks me, How do I return the compliment that they have given me?

    Hi All, I have been fortunate to be able to answer a few questions and people have been kind enough to reply thanking me. I would like to respond to their thanks by saying you are welcome. As I reply to quite a few different topics/boards that I have some knowledge of, can anybody please help me to go about saying so in a general way? Is there a page or way of doing so? Or how do I reply to the individual person to acknowledge their thanks? I will be grateful for your answer. All the very best Rab

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Why can't I open my mail?

    Hi, I can sign in to yahoo,but I cannot open my mail. I get the following messages.

    403 (in my browser) then Sorry Forbidden you don't have permissionto access this url on this server.

    0r -Yahoo Mail experienced a log in error... Name Type Error

    Message:Object Expected

    Number 2146823281

    Description:Object Expected.

    or: Yahoo mail experienced a log in error

    Name:Reference Error

    Message :Setupinit is not defined Line number,697 file name :http://mg41.mail,

    or I have also recieved - unfortunately new yahoo mail does not work with screen readers (I don't know what a screen reader is) I will be greatful if someone can answer this question for me. I have also tried opening yahoo in different browsers and get the same type of messages.Any help in simple terms wiil be apreciated.I've tried clearing my cache,cookies and I cannot seem to get back to classical option either. Thank you rab

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • How do I remove the "To" button in my inbox.?

    Thank you to all who responded to my badly composed question. I am using yahoo mail Beta . What I meant was can you remove the "to" button -which shows my email address in my inbox- after all I know my email address and surely there is no need to be reminded as I do not have mail sent from any other address to this one. I know you can shrink the button, but I seem to remember (but not how to) being able to remove this button in a previous yahoo mail version. I am using windows xp ie7 Once again thanks for any help

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago