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Lv 750,379 points


Favorite Answers9%

I frequent the political section, so you'll me see a lot there. I am a Texas Liberal, and feel people should be free to do what they want provided it doesn't infringe on the rights of others. I am currently in college now. (and I have a job on campus) Double Hooray!! :) I made the Dean's List in fall 2011, spring 2012, fall 2012, and spring 2013. Quadruple Hooray!!!! My "N" will change every couple of days, so don't worry if it does or doesn't. My beliefs can best be summed up here: and here: I feel that music could express these beliefs better than text ever could. I also lounge in the Music and Movie sections. Here is my favorite 1 minute & 1 second short film: I lean between Kant and Hobbes when it comes to most of everything else philosophically related.

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