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Lv 7227,771 points


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The handle is pronounced "oikos", the stem word in "ecology", which is how I made my living.

  • "Do you miss a cold when it's gone? Or the germs that caused it?"?

    Firstly, if the line sound's vaguely familiar, it's from The Madwoman of Chaillot. The "cold" is a stand-in for Y!A. There are things that I will miss and things that I will not. I will miss the people I have encountered, mostly in the Zoology forum, the ones who really care about knowledge. People like Bulldog Redux (formerly Bulldog Drummond), the entomologist; Birdgirl and Peek, from the bird and reptile forums, Magpie, my favorite British bird; and Nurnord, the mammalogist.


    The ones I will not miss at all are the blue-faced cowards, mostly in Global warming, who post nonsense from fringe groups and block anyone who disagrees with them. Those, IMHO, are the germs


    How about you all? What will you miss and what will you be happy to be rid of?

    1 AnswerZoology2 weeks ago
  • Someone in southern AZ has trouble with bees drinking from hummingbird feeders and dissuading the hummers from drinking until the bees leave?

    Is there any way to dissuade the bees from drinking, while not endangering the hummingbirds?

    1 AnswerZoology7 months ago
  • Thanksgiving?

    As we in the USA celebrate Thanksgiving, how many of us give any thought to the Pilgrims being among the first illegal immigrants to what is now "our" country? Or that they might not have survived without the aid of the people who had already settled here.

    7 AnswersThanksgiving1 year ago
  • Do any of you know about letting budgerigars (shell parakeets) nibble on pine cones?

    We have two budgies (shell parakeets) who love to demolish pine cones and go through about one per day. Is there anything in pine cones that could hurt them? Alternatively, have any of you allowed yours to do this and, if so, for how long?

    8 AnswersBirds7 years ago