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Lv 7205,171 points


Favorite Answers23%

I've been a techie for about 50 years, since I was 12. I currently make my living as a senior IT field tech for a large electric utility but I have worked in general aviation as an avionics tech long ago. As a sidebar I have done some computer programming, including embedded systems programming for a specialized monitor system at work. I take care of my own cars because I am shocked at shop prices. I currently live in Flagstaff, AZ, where I get to / have to snow cat to mountaintops in winter to fix emergencies at our microwave sites; I have done an emergency repair 55 feet up a tower in zero degree wind chill. An adventure is what you wish you were having when you are safe at home; safe at home is where you wish you were when you are having an adventure. I give thumbs up to answers I believe will help the answerer; I give thumbs down only when I believe the answer will cause trouble or expense for the asker, and I report spammers.

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