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Lv 782,812 points

Lady Morgana

Favorite Answers18%

I am an atheist, pantheist, a Witch, a mother, wife, sister, a lawyer and a teacher. I have a fantastic garden, drive a hybrid, and do a lot of things to help protect planet Earth. I have fun with everything I do! I believe in living to the utmost, dancing in front of mirrors, swimming in the ocean, reading about feminist spirituality, atheism and pantheism, global ecology, or reading a really good novel that grabs me and won't let go, gardening until my toes are so dirty they look alien, cooking Thai food with serrano peppers, laughing at my own really stupid jokes, driving with the sun roof open and singing Spanish songs. I teach ESL and I always ask my student teach they say "I love you " in their language. I give back by buying needed farm animals for families in developing countries through the Heifer Project, and by doing micro-loans of $25 apiece to the needy, through Bright Blessings, Lady Morgana

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