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  • Cockpit in or out when mounting Kayak.?

    I've just purchased two 8 foot sit-in kayaks for myself and my wife. We have two sets of J-racks attached to aftermarket cross-bars on our SUV. I've seen Kayaks loaded different ways on J-racks, is it best to have the cockpit opening facing out/up on the J-racks or in/down?

    Haven't had a problem going to the local river (it's only 5 miles at 30MPH), but would like to know the most secure way to attach them before we go on our spring vacation as it will be much more demanding on my racks (7 hours interstate driving).

    2 AnswersBoats & Boating9 years ago
  • Can a repair should deny liability due to a faulty part in the car?

    I recently had my oil changed at a local mechanic. After he had finished the oil change, the mechanic reached in from outside the car and turned the key, the car was in gear and it drove off the lift and into the wall. The mechanic is denying liability, claiming that the car only started because the clutch interlock switch was faulty. After I had the damage repaired, I found that the switch was stuck, and it has been replaced.

    Even with the faulty part, can I still claim that the mechanic showed negligence because; 1. the car was left in gear on the lift, 2. the hand break was left off, and 3. the mechanic reached in from outside the car to turn the key and turned it too far.

    Even with the issue with the interlock switch, there would have been no damage to the car if the mechanic had applied the break, or was in the car when he turned the key.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics9 years ago