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Lv 44,663 points


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I am 59 & have ridden horses since I was 3. Born & raised in the beautiful Applicians of Kentucky. I have been a Model, Hairstylist, AirForce, Walked Cherokee Trail of Tears 1,100 miles; my Ancestors, Been a Singer, Home Health Care, Councelor, Break & Trainer of Horses, a Speaker and now an Author! I live life to the fullest just as much as my true love & bonding with Horses! I would love for everyone to join me on Yahoo Q. & A. and see how fullfilling this is to a person. I so look forward in my spare time to run to this Yahoo Q. & A. page that i don't want to stop & eat! So please join & mount up! See you in the Trail of Horse Knowledge! thank you dearly aleechawa