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Turn off passenger airbag in a 2004 VW Jetta?
Can you turn off passenger airbag in a VW Jetta 2004?
3 AnswersVolkswagen4 weeks agoRomcom couple cosplay ideas?
My girlfriend and I are planning on doing a cosplay of a romcom couple for our school dress up day, but we can t decide.
1 AnswerComics & Animation3 years agoI want to be a rapper.?
I m a young aspiring rapper. I can rap pretty fast and intend to be a faster style rapper. I need a name. I was thinking of going with Vavyl, any suggestions or feedback?
5 AnswersRap and Hip-Hop4 years agoHow do I destroy this??!?!?
Okay, so in art class we made cubes from straws and plaster paper. I took mine home, but the girl I like didn t want hers. She asked the class of anyone wanted it. I was the only one who said yes. I took this as my chance. I need an epic, over the top way to destroy that would impress her because she doesn t like the cube. Any ideas?
2 AnswersSculpture4 years ago