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Lv 735,475 points

♥Mommy to 3 year old Jacob and baby on the way♥

Favorite Answers8%

Hi! I am 29 and married to a wonderful man. Our little Jacob is 3 years old now. I can hardly believe my little guy is getting so big. He amazes me more every day. I am currently pregnant with our 2nd child due this winter Dec or Jan After recent picture snatchings on here I've taken Jacob off. If you are one of my contacts and want to see him grow email me and I'll send you a few..but only if I know you well. The sunflower is one of my photographs I took in 2006. I enjoy scrapbooking, being with friends and family, reading (when I get the chance) and writing. I feel everyone is entitled to their own opinion as long as they are being respectful. I try hard not to judge, as I hate being judged myself. There are few issues in which I am adament about though, like immunizations. Unless your child has an allergy to latex and can't get the immunization there is no credible reason not to.

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