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Lv 43,315 points


Favorite Answers38%

Live in east yorkshire Married with 2 kids Keen on all 2 wheeled motorsport (except speedway) Bikes owned: FS1E (Fizzie) 1982 RD 125 DX 1983 (Boycen Racing Reeds, Twin Allspeeds.....The Dogs danglies!!) R6 2002 til present (Yes I'm a born again!) Enjoy fair weather riding just for the fun of it. Swim to keep fit / in shape (about 10 miles a week) And for all you non bikers out there, I'm a "Born Again Biker", NOT CHRISTIAN!!..... Actually I'm an Atheist, so no more mail from God botherers please. (Unless its on a subject totally unrelated to religion, in which case feel free)

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