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Lv 783,369 points


Favorite Answers82%

If you push yourself hard enough you can get there! I am DraMuse, I am the Number 1 Top Contributor of Theatre & Acting and I lead by example. I grew tired of negative contributors, sitting on the fence telling people that they couldn't do things or required X amount before they could apply themselves. So I became Number 1. I am an Actor. Sometimes I get paid for it, sometimes I don't and I collaborate with others. I am frequently inspired by Michael Jackson's song "Man in the Mirror" and I believe the only way to create change is by going about it ourselves. Thank you to those who have chosen and challenged me. To find out How to Apply for an Agent, click here: If you're Interested you can Visit my StarNow page here: One of my earlier Bit Parts for a Foxtel tv show can be seen here (@ 3:16):

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