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Favorite Answers12%
  • Why do they think they represent 99% of Americans?

    They are so incredibly self-absorbed and egotistical that they think they speak for 99% of Americans. YOU DO NOT SPEAK FOR ME!

    I am one of the 53%. I PAY TAXES. However, I would never presume to declare that my thoughts and opinions represent the rest of my fellow taxpayers. Why don't they admit it? They are less than 1% of America.

    I pay taxes. I have worked since I was seven years old and had my first paper route. I haven't stopped working since. I have worked two jobs while attending college classes. I have worked jobs I hated because I never thought that someone else should support me until I found my dream job - doing exactly what I want for a huge salary.

    I live in the world of reality. I don't have my dream job, but I keep working toward it. I would never consider demanding that someone else sacrifice their hard work and dreams in order for mine to come true.

    These protesters are just disgusting people. Why do they think that they can get away with claiming they are 99% of America? Do they really think that 99% of Americans are living in the streets, not bathing for weeks, having sex in public, doing drugs, and going to the bathroom outside and creating a bio-hazard?


    8 AnswersPolitics10 years ago
  • Isn't this hypocritical?

    The Occupy Pittsburgh useful idiots are camping in a park that is paid for by the business that they are protesting. If that business didn't pay for the park, they'd have nowhere to sleep and set up their tents.

    As well, shouldn't they be living off of bugs, berries, and whatever else they can find in nature? Even if someone donates the food, it was purchased from an evil corporation. How can they live with themselves?

    And, I don't see any shelter made out of nature. They're all in nice tents made by...EVIL CORPORATIONS and sold in EVIL STORES who are only out to make a profit.

    How incredibly stupid are these slackers that they can't see their hypocrisy? I thought a lot of them were "educated." I guess they can't teach common sense...sigh.


    6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government10 years ago
  • Does anyone understand what .00003% is?

    That's how much BO is "sacrificing" out of his budget - 100,000,000 out of 3,600,000,000,000.

    To put it in terms even liberals can understand:

    1 - You make $36,000 per year.

    2 - You ask your boss for a raise.

    3 - He gives you an increase of ONE DOLLAR per year and expects you to be very grateful that he has been so generous.

    Are liberals really this brainwashed by BO? They've been whining about government spending for eight years, but now they suddenly can't comprehend numbers?


    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago