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  • Why am I not catching trout?

    Either I am cursed or I am doing something wrong. I went to this national park where they stock the streams with trout. there are tons of them I can seee them swimming around. I was there yesterday this old man caught a few and said to use corn. OK no problem. I go back today with corn and after 6 hours I still caught nothing. To cap it all off this guy comes in with EXACTLY THE SAME setup as me (small treble hook with three pieces of corn) and casting right next to me caught 3 fish in an hour then left like it was nothing. THEN a CHILD came with one piece of corn and caught one within 5 minutes. Can anyone tell me what I could have possibly missed?

    Fishing4 weeks ago
  • Should I go for it or let it pass? (girl)?

    in my 30 years I have never been one to date much. I like my privacy, and I have always been a lone wolf, plus I have REALLY high standards, and I am never looking for a fling. If I am gonna do it, it has got to mean something. So I just avoid it and carry on and honestly I have been quite happy. HOWEVER, I started a new job last year and I started working with quite literally the most incredible woman I have ever met. I can't believe she exists to be honest. It is a pleasure to know her and I look forward to seeing her smiling face everyday. Usually, when I have feelings for someone I just dismiss them because after a while they will go away, they are just feelings and I'll get over it. No big deal. But after a whole year of knowing her I still think about her everyday, it doesn't go away. No matter how many women i meet none of them measure up to her. I even try to think about it dispassionately and it still makes logical sense. We get along so well and we laugh all day it is great. Thing is of course, we work together. I don't wanna make it awkward for her because I know the job means a lot to her. but at the same time part of me wishes I could just say how much I care about her. Should I wait for it to go away and carry on, or should I do something about it ie: a date? Or am I just crazy? I am not desperate for a girlfriend or anything, I just like HER a lot. What you think my homies? Wait for it to pass or no?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years ago
  • Rear wheel won t spin on my car after hard brake?

    I was cut off by a guy and had to literally slam both of my feet on the brakes to stop my car from 60-0 after that it sounded like something was grinding in one of the wheels and then a little later it locked up entirely and I had to get it towed cuz it wouldn t spin. Just wondering what it likely is and if I am gonna go broke repairing it

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs5 years ago
  • Stuck in a weird situation, how to explain my feelings to a good female friend without losing her?

    So my one friend who I have known for years went through a really bad divorce about 3 months ago and because I was concerned for her I just called her and we started to hang out a lot. I just wanted to be a friend for her like I have been for many years, even when she was married. I have never had feelings for her before but the other night I was hanging out with this other girl on a date and realized that the whole date I could only think of my friend. The next time I saw my friend I suddenly found her incredibly beautiful. Now suddenly I am panicking. Why, all of a sudden, did this happen and what should I do? I don t want to lose her friendship but I don t want to be around her without being tempted to go in for the kiss. If I tell her what I feel she might think I was just waiting for the divorce to move in but that is not how it is at all. Any advice?

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago