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Favorite Answers52%
  • Cold Activated Beer Can Question ?

    This past Spring, The Coors Company introduced there new Cold Activated Cans. For any that do not know, The cans contain a picture of the Rockie Mountains, When the can is above 40 degrees F, The printing is White, When the can and it's contents are chilled to below 40 F Dg's, The white printing turns into a Blue, and then again to white as the beer warms.

    What type of Thermo~reactive chemical do they use in there printing paints that would have this reaction, just currious ? Thanks

    Chemistry1 decade ago
  • Google Earth Question,?


    Just wondering if anyone knew how large the standard google earth download is. I know it is a large file. I am on a wireless card and only have 5,000 MBS to use and do not want to go over that. Thank You very Much,

    2 AnswersGoogle1 decade ago
  • What Food coompany or Brand Makes The Best Pasta Sauce ?

    Either in the can or jar, Thanks

    4 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • Can Light Cream be Whipped ?

    OK, I've got to make fresh whipped cream for a recipe I'm making and while at the store I accidentally picked up Light Cream insted of the Heavy Cream that I normally buy. Does anyone know if Light Cream will whip up like Heavy Cream would? Thanks

    10 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago