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  • ig bimbo stalking?

    during covid I created an ig account and I clicked on this bimbo she was kinda hot but then I started liking her pics and stuff and sent her direct saying she was cute and now she stalks me but that was a one time thing she's like 46 and has fake tiits and I don't want it no more, she stalks what I do and then posts herself doing it and tagging the same stuff I tagged and she literally said she is depressed I ghosted her even though she still stalks me

  • guy intimidating me?

    uber driver loittering with friends in building parking, one of his friend tried to intimidate me by blocking me from exiting the parking. He is on his uber shift since he parks at that spot near the entrance of the parking, he was allowed for his work to do it. i am a tenant, his friends are probably not tenants of my building. the way his friend tried to block me was he kept the door of the car wide open, it isn't his car he doesn't care, yeah that type of friend. obvously i am dealing with probably some guy who will one day or another end up locked up, and i dont want to.

    i told my landlord that i want to cancel my newly signed (march 10 2021) contract.

    1 AnswerEtiquette2 weeks ago
  • guy intimidating me outside my house?

    uber driver loittering with friends in building parking, one of his friend tried to intimidate me by blocking me from exiting the parking. He is on his uber shift since he parks at that spot near the entrance of the parking, he was allowed for his work to do it. i am a tenant, his friends are probably not tenants of my building. the way his friend tried to block me was he kept the door of the car wide open, it isn't his car he doesn't care, yeah that type of friend. obvously i am dealing with probably some guy who will one day or another end up locked up, and i dont want to.

    i told my landlord that i want to cancel my newly signed (march 10 2021) contract.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture2 weeks ago
  • uber driver friend intimidating me?

    uber driver loittering with friends in building parking, one of his friend tried to intimidate me by blocking me from exiting the parking. He is on his uber shift since he parks at that spot near the entrance of the parking, he was allowed for his work to do it. i am a tenant, his friends are probably not tenants of my building. the way his friend tried to block me was he kept the door of the car wide open, it isn't his car he doesn't care, yeah that type of friend. obvously i am dealing with probably some guy who will one day or another end up locked up, and i dont want to.

    i told my landlord that i want to cancel my newly signed (march 10 2021) contract.

    Law & Ethics2 weeks ago
  • guy trying to intimidate me?

    uber driver loittering with friends in building parking, one of his friend tried to intimidate me by blocking me from exiting the parking. He is on his uber shift since he parks at that spot near the entrance of the parking, he was allowed for his work to do it. i am a tenant, his friends are probably not tenants of my building. the way his friend tried to block me was he kept the door of the car wide open, it isn't his car he doesn't care, yeah that type of friend. obvously i am dealing with probably some guy who will one day or another end up locked up, and i dont want to.

    i told my landlord that i want to cancel my newly signed (march 10 2021) contract.

  • what's your best way to make money?

    what's your best way to make money

    Polls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • is my friend in trouble for his actions?

    my friend works at a firm and he was hanging out with one of the employees, they became friends and in the end didn't workout and he told her she was a bit*ch for always seeing other guys and she was a sl*t etc he never wants to deal with her again, to the point that he wanted out of the company and the girl showed his boss his text messages insulting her 

    now they work away from each other and don't communicate but still for the same company. is my friend in trouble? is my boss in trouble?

    2 AnswersFriends2 weeks ago
  • what do you think or QC ?

    What do you think of QC 

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 weeks ago
  • is individual sport safer than collective?

    team sports involve clashing with others, one way or another, even soccer. for sure contact sports like football are high risk but even soccer, basketball or anything that may get physical contact.

    other individual sports like tennis or swimming also have their injury potential but the risk factor of injury from opponent contact is written off.

    there are other collective sport like volleyball with no contact but referring to the main 3: soccer, basketball, football

    3 AnswersOther - Sports2 weeks ago
  • is Mac address = IP address?

    MAC address = ip ?

    yes or no

    8 AnswersComputer Networking2 weeks ago
  • can you track someones activity with their pc serial no?

    can you track someones activity with their pc serial

    3 AnswersSecurity2 weeks ago
  • some women/girls mad at me and say they are depressed?

    I was on instagram because covid got me bored and I started exchanging with all these women some younger some older than me some the same age and then I got really bored of them and just stop talking to them and I only use if for sports news and funny memes and some say they are disappointed in my behavior and sad. I am supposed to do something ? 

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • woman saying I made her depressed and suicidal?

    there's this woman I started to follow on ig she was kinda hot and im just liking her pics and then she starts checking my profile and I start sending her pics for fun and I talk to her a bit and then a few months go by and I decide it is not a good idea and I stop talking to her and liking her pics 

    and now she says she is depressed because I left, should I do something ?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating2 weeks ago
  • peeping neighbours?

    i moved out to a new neighbourhood and new apt and

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys3 weeks ago
  • would you date girl with nose plastic surgery?

    thats the only plastic surgery, everything else is natural.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys4 weeks ago
  • where to ask when yahoo answers shuts down?

    where y'all going after yahoo answers shuts down?

    1 AnswerYahoo Answers4 weeks ago
  • backlash at customer?

    i work for a consulting firm and i had this customer ive been supporting and he kept being a pr*ck and kept being obnoxious for the sake of being obnoxious and told me he talked to my coworkers how he was unsatisfied with me, and im the one whos been on his account for awhile and i know for a fact that the coworker he badmouthed me to is also a pr*ck who badmouths me in my back and our manager and everyone in the company and team knows it. anyways it got to a point where he's like: you dont know what you are doing, what is your diploma? then i f*cking lost it told him if he wanted i could leave him all by himself with the other idiot who is actually a cook. yea a fukn cook who works in a consulting firm. dont ask me how he got the job, hes one of those people who fake it til their make it. which is why i dislike him. fake and pretentious. anyways thats what happened and i told my manager and he said it's ok he knows the customer is an ahole. but at the same time im worried now. what should i do? 

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 month ago
  • girl with plastic surgery ?

    met this girl started dating and she did not tell me she had plastic surgery on nose. not cool. i dumped her in the past for it but she said it was the only surgery and it is small (didnt like her nose width). looked at pics before and after and not much of difference but still not the same looks. should i tell her why i suddently left, she doesnt know why exactly.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 month ago
  • iphone 12s release sept 2021?

    iphone 12s out sept 2021?

  • ex-landlord's father (representant) spy on ex-tenant (me)?

    this is the second time i see him spying on me. wtf does he want i told my ex-landlord im moving out at the ened of contract already within time and postal letter tracked and her personal confirmation. i mean what should i do about it he is litterlay tracking me. i feel unsafe.

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 month ago