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Lv 618,296 points


Favorite Answers81%

I'm a 33 year old mother of 5. I've worked briefly in Pharmacy, Childcare, retail, and as a PCA. I also volunteered for a short while with Planned Parenthood. I currently work a local Crisis Hotline. I have Asperger's. My 4 year old son is Autistic. He has PDD-NOS, ODD, and ADHD. He minds his manners, speaks clearly (though not often), and does what he is told. I've found methods which are proven to work, and I like sharing those methods. I'm very opinionated, and I tell it like it is. I'm rarely wrong. I don't answer questions I do not know the answer to. If you're offended, don't follow my advice. My pet peeves are child abuse, and people who claim to know the law and don't. I'm most likely answering in one of the Parenting categories, and I will respond to any messages, so feel free to contact me if you have concerns, or need to talk.

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