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If riots break out in Minneapolis should Maxine Waters be charged with inciting to riot?
Waters is on her soap box telling people to stay in the streets, get more confrontational and to ignore the curfew. If this leads to violence of any kind, should she be charged with inciting to riot? Seems people had no problem with saying that earlier in the year with the mostly peaceful protest on Jan 6. She is actually egging people on to cause trouble and break the law. People wonder why there is so much violence and division? Ask Waters, either Jesse or Maxine.
Politics2 weeks agoWhat is the difference between Anthony Fauci and a stopped clock?
Personally I think the main difference is that a stopped clock is right twice a day.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys2 months agoHow much longer before Dems replace Biden as President?
Isn't it interesting that democrats want to take the Nuclear Codes away from Biden? What is it they wanted to hide about Biden's mental state during the election? The only reason he got the nomination is because they knew Harris could not win on her own so pushed Slo Joe and told him who his running mate would be so they could make her President as soon as the dust settled a little. It is no secret that Slo Joe is not fit, nor capable of, running this country. Already Harris is talking to heads of State all over the world without including Slo Joe. He is not going out in public or actually spending much time "at the office" but we are seeing and hearing more of Harris all the time. Conspiracy? No. Foresight? Yes. Swalwell, this actually is evidence in plain sight, pay attention.
6 AnswersPolitics2 months agoDo you think Barnum and Bailey should re-open so members of Congress could go back to their real job as Circus Clowns?
What with all that is going on with Congress, that includes both the House of Representatives and Senate, both parties have got us all in stitches from laughing so hard at them. Only clowns could be that funny. It is funny as all get out, the problem is that it is also very serious and we are the one's that have to pay.
2 AnswersPolitics3 months agoJust how long after Jan 20, 2021 do you think Biden remains in office before Dems find an excuse to remove him? ?
Am also wondering just who will actually be making all the decisions for Biden for the time his handlers allow him to remain? Even now Jill Biden will not let him out of her sight and everything he says or does is scripted by someone else. Who? Biden, bought and paid for by China.
Just what do Sleepy Joe and Mattress Back Harris have in store for us? My money is on nothing good. Do you think Mattress Back will be able to get the top spot the same way she got her job in California?
9 AnswersPolitics5 months agoHas the electoral college worked as intended and should it be revoked?
I guess the answer would depend on your point of view. Should the population centers such as New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Chicago etc decide who will be the President or should the people in less populated States or areas have a say in the election. Hilary won the popular vote but lost because Trump won more of the smaller state with an electoral college number advantage over the large population states. Was that the intent of the founding fathers in order to give everyone a voice?
3 AnswersPolitics5 months agoWhat is with the liberal obsession of Trump conceding the election?
Seems like liberals were just fine with Clinton telling biden not to concede under any circumstances but go totally bat **** crazy over Trump not conceding. Whether he concedes or not nothing changes. STILL A DOUBLE STANDARD.
7 AnswersPolitics5 months ago"Fauci Says", OPEN THE SCHOOLS. So why are democrat governors not paying attention to the science and keeping schools closed? ?
For almost a year we have been playing "Fauci Says, or, Fauci May I" because the democrats have decided he is all knowing and the final word on anything Covid related. He has now said we should open the schools, so what is now the problem other than the governors are drunk on power and do not want to lose it.
3 AnswersPolitics5 months agoHow many young people who are embracing socialism actually know what it is or some of the it's history?
A good many young people like to throw around the word Nazi when referring to people like Trump or conservatives in general. They also want to turn this country into a socialist country. Do you know some of the history of that belief? You are aware that there was a very well known person as the leader of a socialist party, or program as the referred to it. Are you also aware of the symbol of that party/programme the Swastika? You may recognize the name Adolph Hitler, leader of the National Socialist Programme, AKA Nazi. Look up the history of Adolph and the Not Cs and decide if you really want to associate yourself with that label.
7 AnswersPolitics5 months agoHow many offices were on the Georgia ballot this election?
So far, Georgia has found over 5,000 ballots that were not counted. Did those ballots also provide voting for Senators and not just President? While Tump cannot get enough votes to change the results of the election in Georgia, does that also mean the race for Senators could not be changed? Maybe, after all the ballots are checked and counted, is a runoff election really needed or did one candidate, either Osoff or Perdue, actually win the 50% plus 1 that is needed to prevent a runoff and have a winner? How many more uncounted votes will Georgia find?
Personal Finance6 months agoJust how big is Joe Biden's basement?
Just read a story that said Biden talks to Hunter every day, "often from the back seat of a car between campaign stops". Joe, I know you can fit all the attendees of your campaign speeches one room WHILE "socially distancing", but do you actually have a basement so large you can have more than one group in it and have to use a car to get from one side of it to the other?
3 AnswersPolitics6 months agoWhy is I that every time a black person gets shot by a Police Officer there is an all you can steal sale in the area stores?
Seems that now Police Officers are not allowed to defend themselves from attacks with deadly weapons. When the attacker gets shot it seems as if all the stores in the area declare an all you can steal sale for certain groups only.
4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police6 months agoSo here we go with another round of the "Fauci says" game.?
Fauci said he was not in favor of mask mandates, NOW Fauci we should have mask mandates imposed on the populace. 85% if the Covid cases are people who regularly wear masks. People who wear masks constantly touch them with their bare hands then touch things others are going to touch but they never was their hands each time they touch their mask even though the virus can live on the skin for 9 hours so the disease is being spread because the virus is on the mask then transferred by touching. Just about every state has mandatory mask rules that are not being followed by all and to be truthful I can tell Fauci to kiss my butt just as easily as I can tell our Governor Jay (Idiot) Inslee. Frankly, I do not wear a mask all the time because I do not want to spread the disease to everything I touch like those who wear masks are doing.
1 AnswerPersonal Finance6 months agoIs anyone else out there tired of playing Fauci says or Fauci may I?
Our lives now depend on what Fauci decides to say. I am real tired of playing these games. Time to open this country back up and put people back to work and so they can survive instead of being unemployed because an "expert" has yet to say anything that proves to be right instead of always being wrong.
11 AnswersSmall Business6 months agoDo voters deserve to know where Biden stands on court packing?
When asked that question by a reporter Biden said the voters do NOT deserve to know if he is planning to pack the Supreme Court if democrats win the White House and Senate. Not a good move because the next time the Republicans are in the driver's seat in the White House and Senate they will retaliate so where would it stop? That would make the unelected and life term Justices a super Legislative branch of government and that kind of power should scare the hell out of people on both sides of the aisle.
Just goes to prove, never, EVER, count the Seahawks out.
13 AnswersFootball (American)7 months agoHow many recorded Covid deaths in the United States are actually people that died WITH Covid and not FROM it.?
Lots of people who catch the virus have underlying medical problems such as diabetes and heart disease that by themselves cause a person to die. Just because a person has contracted covid does not mean that is actually the cause of death. A person with covid dies in a car accident, why has the cause of death been listed as covid? Is it that important to some that the numbers remain high to prove a point even though the opposite is true in reality?
5 AnswersSoftware7 months ago