Does anyone care if Guns N Roses .....?

... releases their new CD ever? I was a fan back in the day, but it's not really Guns with Axl being the only one left.


innocence faded2006-01-11T13:03:20Z

Favorite Answer

They have been gone too long, and Axl has done too much of his crap (not showing up for shows, delaying shows, etc) for me to really care about that band anymore.

They might get 5 minutes in the spotlight if it ever comes out, but I am sure Axl would do something to make it crash and burn like he usually does.


There was a time when Axl Rose could have farted into a microphone, and I would have bought it. But now, they and their fans have grown up to much to return to the hey day.

Give it up, and let it rest as the great time it was.


Axl Rose is now tone deaf from hearing damage. He proved this about five years ago when he performed live and embaressed even non-musicians with a shockingly atonal singing voice. He was nothing like he previously was.


Seems to me there is a time to keep going and a time to stop. I'm a fan of the old suff and I'm with the whole "retroactive hatred" thing. There can be too much of a good thing.
Now if someone could just explain that to U2.....


I really hate when bands I used to like start trying to make me retroactively hate them by releasing albums with almost none of the same lineup.

Apparently, the music industry has never heard of "Quitting while you're ahead."

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