*~*Whats your school Masscot*~*?

Hey I would just like to know what your school masscot is.. so post your masscot!

Mine is a *Falcon..


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Okay...each school in my town has it's own mascot, so I'm going to list them all.
Vista School-Unicorn
Cornell Elementary-Coyote
Marin Elementary-Dolphin
Ocean View Elementary-Otter
Middle School-Cobra
High School-Cougar
(There is a lot of rivalry between the elementary schools, and everyone thinks that their school was the best. There was always talk of the mascots beating each other up.)


Searles Elementary- Dolfins
Cesar Chave Middle School- Hawks
James Logan High School- Mighty Colts!

Go mighty colts!


Ridgeway High School
Ridgeway Roadrunners


this gay-looking Golden Bear named Oski (UC Berkeley). First of all I know that the Golden Bear is our state mascot but I've never seen a real one and this mascot looks like Yogi's gay cousin. Check it out. Every time I take my friends to a game they make fun of Oski.



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