My wife is fed up with my being messy (has been for years) What steps do I need to take to "clean up" my act


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It sounds like you have some bad habits that need breaking. It will take you 30 days to form new habits. Rather than overwhelm yourself and change everything overnight try changing one or two things at a time. First try getting your clothes in the hamper every night before bed, then try keeping your shoes/work boots tidy as well. Next you might try on cleaning your own dishes once and awhile.

It really depends on what sorts of issues you have and how much help your wife is looking for. Talk to her and find out specifically what would ease her frustration and work hard to meet that desire if possible, if not possible try to meet haflway.

You'll do fine. I still get messy from time to time you simply have to put forth an effort that gets appreciated.

Good luck.


I live alone with nobody to nag me about cleaning ;), but the only things I've found that works are:

1. When you get it out, put it where it belongs when you're done with it.

2. If something should be thrown away, don't wait to do it. It can sit for WEEKS if it's not done right away. :)

3. Schedule a specific day and time every week for general cleaning. Once you get in the habit, it'll be easy to keep the schedule.

These are common sense, but I hope they help! Your wife can send cookies to thank me :)


Never set anything down for "later", if you're done with your glass take it to the sink, if you take off an article of clothing hang it if it's still wearable or throw it where the dirty clothes belong, hang your towel or throw it in the hamper do all these while you are still there, don't put it off until later. If you eat in the living room take out your plate, empty it and put it in the sink, same for an empty soda can, put it in the recycle bin. Also don't kick off your socks and shoes in the living room. Take them off at the door. If you do projects around the house put things away one at a time as you are done with them; then you won't have a huge mess that you don't feel like dealing with right then. : )


Hello,,, my hubby is the messyest you ever met cant hold a candle to him , nothing will ever change that, but i love him just the same the more she nags, well the more resentment might just build up. Tell her that.

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