What Movie is this joke from...?

"Three tomatoes are walking down the street; Mama Tomato, Papa Tomato, and Baby Tomato...so Baby Tomato starts lagging behind, then Papa Tomato goes back, squishes him and says 'ketchup'"...
My favorite movie joke ever...

Benji Man2006-01-20T01:00:29Z

Favorite Answer

Pulp Fiction

The Champ2006-01-20T10:18:34Z

Pulp Fiction

Why's the rum gone? ☺☮♥ ツ♫2006-01-20T09:02:21Z

Sounds like something Danny Devito says in Throw Mama from the train.

Fat Cobra2006-01-20T09:01:44Z

Uma Thurman in "Pulp Fiction" says it as her joke in the pilot episode of "Fox Force Five"


That joke is from Pulp Fiction.

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