Do You think the internet has hurt some marriages?

I'm wondering how many think the internet has hurt marriages as a whole.


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No, the internet doesn't hurt marriages. The idiots using it do.


Yes, it has hurt many marriages. People just don't seem to understand there is danger in doing this. You always hear the grass isn't greener on the other side. That is true. If each one who did this would stop and think about the person they would be hurting by cheating via the internet just maybe it wouldn't be like it is today.


I personally don't know anyone who has had their marriage hurt by the internet. But I do think that people seeking marital advice on the internet from a bunch of strangers is not good. Seek help from a professional. It appears to me that you are having problems with your mate and the internet. What are they looking at? What is going on?


The true question would be " Do you think people turn to the internet because of problems in their marriage." My wife has been a mental mess since we have been together. I've been on the internet for ten years. I haven't hooked up with anyone. Tons of people are on dating websites, but no one pays, so no one talks. Chat rooms are different. I can't imagine meeting someone I had met on the internet. There has got to be a let down factor. I think people that go to bars with their friends for a night out are usually looking for one thing. They'll say they aren't, but really.


Yes. I've read countless stories about how a married man or woman has found a lover online (through chat rooms etc). I even personally know a woman who left her husband for a guy she met in a chatroom.

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