What's the best way to get to be the featured user?

LOL - I was reading the Yahoo! Answer Team's blog, and they had a post about how to get the best answers... and so I copycatted the question. =P

Seriously, though - what do you think would garner you the honor of being the featured user? Great questions? A LOT of best answers picked? Being thorough in your answers? No misspellings? Correct grammar? A splash of knowledge in all categories or specialized in one? All the above?


Dangit! I don't have a HOT pic - just a COLD one! :`(


And Pyro always gets his butt kicked by Iceman - he can't even MAKE fire!


Favorite Answer

I think probably a combo of the above. If I was a member of the Y!Answers team, I would forgo the occasional spelling error in my quest to select a Featured User. Correct grammar is a plus, although would not necessarily garner the title. However, I wouldn't pick someone who obviously had little or no regard for the English language. I would say either as far as knowledge is concerned, however, a featured user should have a plethora of best answers.

A picture should have no bearing on selection.

I would also say that you should ask questions too - be interactive about it - but not stupid ones such as, "Will you be my friend?" or what not.


Get 5 five accounts and choose best answers to one account and your points will stack up like never before. HAHAHAH IM A CHEATER WHO CARES.

Also answer old outdated ones that haven't been answered yet ( THERES LOTS) and you will get a remorse best answer selection Dun, Dudun! PRESTO POINTOS



anwer a ton of questions in areas where you have great knowledge so that u will have a chance of getting best answer selections.


A really HOT pic doesn't hurt either!!