Do those CD scratch repair machines work? Should I buy one?


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Those things work by filling in the scratches with a wax like substance. Ive heard bad things about them. Ive found that the best way to repair a scratched cd or dvd is by taking it to my local Hollywood Video. They have a machine that takes of the entire first layer of the disc. They charge me $2 per disc or $1 if its more than 5. Then, make a copy. Hope that helps


It depends on how deep the scratch is. If it's a light to moderate scratch that makes the CD skip, then the Disk Doctor can most likely repair it. I've used the Disk Doctor on CDs and DVDs and it's worked every time. They can be expensive though.

A Disk Doctor does NOT fill in scratches with a wax. It actually takes a small layer of plastic off the CD or DVD. As it spins, an abrasive wheel scrapes a layer off. You must first coat the CD or DVD with water or alcohol to lubricate it.

As for the toothpaste, it's worth a try. It's basically just an abrasive substance that takes small bits of plastic off the CD.


first, you gotta try putting white toothpaste on the cd and letting it sit for a few minutes then washing it off with water. this works for me every time and is alot cheaper than any of those machines!


Like Rainbow said, toothpaste works well. I sometimes scrub with the toothpaste. Then I polish with micro fiber cloth. I bought one of the machines, and it is pretty much just sand paper that spins. I don't reccomend it.


utilising a rag made damp with water and slightly of rubbing alcohol on it truly is with a purpose to sparkling the disc. utilising too a lot alcohol can damage the disc and paralyze its performance. basic strategies to fix scratches is to get a specialist to apply scratch remover (this can nicely be finished at you community video employ keep).

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