what is the difference between view and synonym in oracle?


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A view is a stored query you can access as a (read-only) table. It is often used as an interface to other modules/programs. The view stays the same (name, columns, etc.) but the underlying query and/or tables can change without affecting the calling module.

A synonym is just that: another name for an existing object (table, view, stored procedure) in oracle. You usually create public synonyms to access objects in another schema without referencing the schema.


Synonym View


How Synonym


View can be created using multiple tables.
View is logical and does not occupies space.

Synonym can be created for single table, view, sequence or index.
Synonym is physical and needs space.


1>view does not occupies any space for data.
2> view are used to restrict the column or data to access by another user.
3>If you have to change in view data it will change on base table data.
4>view is logical existence.it does not contain data.


1> synonym occupies space for data.
2> synonym is naming convension.
3> If the table or data are in different-different schema so without using schema name we will used synonym.
4> synonym is physical existence.

(ramesh kumar singh)