So what do you think? Did Reality Kill the Video Star?
Is MTv and VH1 even worth it anymore? Every time I click on these channels, there's a show on, usually reality-based, and NOT music videos! Hell, there's probably, oh, 1 or 2 hours a day when they play music videos. I remember when MTv first came out, and MAN, I enjoyed watching videos alllllll day long.....
Yes, I realize you can pay extra and get actual music video channels, but I shouldn't HAVE to. MTv and VH-1 STARTED out as music video channels, dangit!
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I remember when it first came out also, it was terrific! But since the 90's it turned into crappy shows and stupid reality stuff. I agree with you. Those days are gone.
I agree as well that MTV and VH-1 ain't what they used to be. But now they each have seperate cable channels that you have to pay extra to watch music vids all MTV2 and MTV Hits..then VH-1 has VH-1 Country and VH-1 Classics just to name a few. But like I said, you have to pay extra for them. Basic cable only comes with MTV or VH-1.
All the damn Celebreality on VH-1 and well....I don't watch MTv very mcuh...but I agree, where are the videos? Actually, I've noticed that the videos are usually on in the middle of the night. I guess only insomniacs like watching videos!
I don't mind not having music videos. Half the videos mtv played were/are crap. VH1 has some really good shows, such as the fabulous life of, best week ever, and I love [insert decade]. I don't however like their celebrality, such as the flava flav show or the surreal house. MTV's reality shows are dorky and soooooo scripted, but I enjoy them. I think I'd go crazy if they constanly played videos, espcially since they cycle the same 10 videos. I do miss popup videos on vh1 though.
MTV and VH1 are not worth it anymore. Everything on MTV is geared towards pre teen girls with slf esteem issues, it sucks and I refuse to watch anymore. I dont mean to sound like some wierd dude but I think television lacks quality programming and this is like the worst sh*t you could watch.