Why is it a normal housecat will sometimes zip around like a bat out of hell?

For no apparent reason! It's not just one cat I've seen do this, it's several - spanning 3 decades, I've seen numerous cats just lie at rest, then all of a sudden ZOOM! to another side of the house, then back again, then someplace else, and I'm left thinking - WHAT THE HELL?? Where's the fire, cat?? And it's not like they had some sort of objective either or any planned destination that they had to get to really fast!

mattias carlsson2006-02-03T03:51:17Z

Favorite Answer

They feel a need to run and are probably understimulated. Letting them out an hour/day usually cures this. They stretch, sleep, excersize/hunt, clean their fur, sharpen their claws, eat and toilet stuff. Lions to small cats, all the same.


Exercise and instinct. Wild cats have to chase down food sometimes, house cats don't. So to make up for this lack of natural use of muscle, they haul *** up and down the stairs a few times and we laugh like hell.

jeter's gal2006-02-03T11:50:30Z

My friend's cat does that right after he goes poop. I always figured he felt good after "loosing" a few ounces!
It's funny though. My cat has been doing lately, I just figured it was because he was pissed that I wouldn't let him out side (too cold..and he doesn't come in when he's supposed to)


She's crazy. I put another olive on the floor after you left for work...and again, she was RUBBING all over the carpet.....!

Sweetie, why didn't you list this under Cats? :)


Too much cat-nip, makes them paranoid, they see purple dogs climbing on the ceiling :p

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