my dog loves to go in the car but she barks ferociously when i get out of it?

my cutie pie dog, fluffy, loves to go in the car but before i can even pull up in front of a store and get out she starts viciously barking. its very embarrassing people stare cause she is barking so loud. i know she doesnt want to behave like that cause she is a little princess HELP!


Favorite Answer

The above answer was the perfect adivice. Begin by pulling in to your own driveway, and act like you forgot something. Then come RIGHT back, and give her a treat (something yummy, like a small piece of chicken). After a few times of doing this, Then, pull in to a friend's driveway and do the same. Then a small shop, and do the same, gradually making the stays a little longer. It may take a few days, but be consistant...Bring her a treat EVERY time you leave her.....Soon, she will look forward to you leaving, because she gets a treat when you come back. You prolly won't have to keep it up forever..just a couple of weeks if you work at it. Also, if she has a favorite toy to leave with her it would help. Better yet, a sweater that you wear around the house. Don't wash it first.




She is suffering from separation anxiety. You need to associate your leaving her in the car with something good. Give her a really good treat anytime you get out of the car, that way she will actually get excited when you pull up in a parking space! The key is always positive reinforcement.


I would say she is really attached to you, so when you get out of the car she barks as to tell you take me. Dogs are so much like kids they are CUTE. I would try to show her that you are boss and she has to stay there. Hope I helped


Hit the dog on the head and tell it to Be Silent

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