Why anyone who embraces a religious group always thinks he chose the right one but not the others?

I don't see religion as "you must have it". Believe or not believe is something veeeery personal but those who already attend any religious group or belong to any of them, think that others who do not share their concepts are wrong. Why is that?


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Follow the money dude...each one of these little groups, Calvary Chapel, First Baptist, LatterDay Saints, etc.
each one of them has a local leader. Now the local leader is responsible to keep the money flowing. So part of his job is to let you know why you should belong, ie contribute, to their little effort. The message is because they are a little cooler than everyone else...

Incidentally that is why they cant work with just anyone.

Look at this if their job was to say, go into all the world and preach the good news, like our little friend James Dobson tells us, then they could work together in harmony.

But when it comes down to it, James Dobson, friend in chief of George W Bush has just a little better edge on the whole gospel thing....he is just too close to God to chance working with say, I dont know, Catholics!!!

I hope that helps.


You just know when something is right or wrong. If you are a religious person, you believe and prayer and you believe in the Holy Ghost, kneel in prayer asking God if the religion is right or not. You need to have a sincere heart and you need to truly have faith that you will receive the answer.

If you feel a sense of confusion then you know that it is wrong. If you feel a feeling of unbeatable joy or a great deal of emotion, it is God testifying to you through the power of the Holy ghost that you are doing the right thing. ;)


I believe most people are involved in a religiuous affiliation due to their upbringing. Their parents went there and their grandparents and so they have been "raised" in a specific faith.

I also agree that faith is very personal. The world would be a better place if everyone would accept diversity!


We are supposed to be of spirituals not religious! 'cos in spirituallity there is unity and harmony but in being more of religious we happen to be in disharmony and mess. everyone has his own way of worshiping and connecting to God in a way that He can understand 'em so it is wrong to consider other's way as wrong.


Bad leadership

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