What is the number one dream you hope to accomplish in your life ?
We all have many things we're hoping to accomplish for ourself in life.
What is the most important one, for you?
I love YOUR answers!!
This question was inspired to me, while lying in bed, thinking of my Native American grandmother. As children, we sat at her feet as she told stories to us.
And one day, she was telling of my deceased grandfather's dream to have a horse ranch. I ask, "Can I be a horse rancher, when I grow up?" She
said, "You will 'be and have' what your heart and will desires. Nothing can stop you, unless you let it!" She was right! For I am, just that today, because her words drove me forward past
all of my failings, and I did it!
So each of you, read what you wrote and remember her words! "You will 'be or have' what your heart and will (power)desires. Nothing can stop you,
unless you let it!"
I wish you "Great Accomplishments" and "Pray your dreams come true."
*niteowl, elizamgomez, mz.aquagirl, and
Spike, very wonderful dreams. Make them happen. Don't give up!
*Motto, 'great dream', your reward will
be great for such a life, from Our Father!
*Beth, I'm sure he is already proud of
you. I was, from just reading your answer!
* Patz, you are a 'true gentle man' in my eyes. I can't imagine anyone ever knowing you, to not remember you warmly
and smile!
*Mac_ I just want to say, I think you are a 'gallant noble' with superior intelligence. I look forward to reading your 'essays'..lol. everyday.
As for your lost love, I'm sure you
will reunite one day. And it's a
'beautiful dream', not a bit selfish!
We just can't write where Patz and Nae
write, or they seem to have a way of making us feel that way.lol
*But, nae, your answer has touched my heart deeply! Because I can only invision you as 'A Woman With A Heart Of Gold'.
And you are helping people, everyday,
right here! Keep up the Great Work!!