Do You look older than I do?


Favorite Answer

NO,you look old for your age.


our avatars look to be around the same age!!! but in real life you probably do look alot older than i am


i looking like an 100 years old women my pc is not properly working , i have to prepare for my exam but i have to get some sleep aswell ,i am hungry and todays exam so soo bad
i dont know what to do


hmm than YOU DO! dont know :P dont know ya yet but if u meant than I DO well ya im a 23 year old tht looks like a umm lets say 30 or so it SUCKS i know but well thts wht life does to ya :)


unless you're 15 I doubt it. I get IDed for bubble-gum, and I'm 20.

Read this again, I'm 20, I just look much younger.

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