How does Irvington, NY compare to Metro Detroit w/respects to cost of living?

If I moved from a suburb of Detroit to Irvington, NY, would I experience an extreme increase in my living expenses (rent or home purchase, property taxes, etc.)?

Is the average gross income higher to compensate for any increased cost of living?


Edit: Yeah, 20 I read and understood your questions. I thought I answered nicely and very well. Don't see what the prob was, why would it have anything 2 do w/me? Did you see my answer?


To Eckhart: Oakland County MI, with a population of over 1.2 million people, is located in southeast Michigan near Detroit. Oakland County ranks in the top five per capita income for counties with more than one million people and has a coveted, triple AAA bond rating by both Standard and Poors, and Moody's, putting the County in the top one percent of all counties.


Favorite Answer

Use my tool below to find exactly what you are looking for. It will tell you how much more you expect to pay for utilities, groceries, housing and many other aspects.


Are you serious?

Here's a clue:

Anywhere > Detroit and its suburbs.

Number 26 overall. I've been there many times, I don't find

it interesting at all. So the average income is slightly higher, big deal. I'm from Westchester where the average income is higher than Oakland and the people are much more down to earth. It's amazing how image conscious people are in MI. Just visit Somerset(sp) mall on any given day.. Talk about all dressed up and nowhere to go.


Hey mary, did you even read my question before you answered? I added details so even you could understand.


Don't know much about your question, sorry. Did want to say great answer in Politics. Please drop me coments anytime on the link below.