I Love, I Hate, I Love,I Hate: Could you please just Make up your Mind?

First you say, I HATE other people, other nationalities. Then, you say I LOVE all animals, then you say I HATE people who are Anti-American, Then you say Why cant we just have PEACE, then you say I HATE people who complain, Then you say I LOVE my kitty-cat, then you say I HATE my boyfriend, then you say I LOVE my country, then you say I HATE my President, then you say WHAT IS LOVE? then you say Why does everyone HATE me when I LOVE everyone?

If you are going to openly and publically make a statement which represents your person, avoiding the act of contradiction will add value, meaning and worth.

Everyone, Please, for the future distinction of this badly reputed nation, if you choose to Hate, fine-just stick with it. If you choose to Love, also fine, just don't switch over to hate.

Be Real, just don't be a hypocritical!

My question:

Do you know who you are?
Do you understand what I mean?
Can you just make up your mind already?


Mr. Joker: You are correct, with regards to my question, your answer is irrelevant, yet an emotional reaction at my attempting to resolve your question, honestly and kindly. The purpose of this forum is to gain insight while helping. If hostility is all you have to offer, there are forums located elsewhere. Otherwise, please join in. You may find kindness to be mutually beneficial.


TY, thank you, I was hoping to find your thoughts with my question, though I cannot overlook the fact that you have not specifically and directly answered my question. Please return and honestly, from your heart, based solely on what I'm trying to say, express your thoughts.


Mr. Joker, I would not consider removing your opinion from here, as I appreciate insight from all members.
You are a unique viewpoint to my question. You should consider the answer I have given your question, as it is sound advice.


Very cool tiara. Thanks for your insight.
See, as I read Q&A's, the same people would ask "why can't we just love?", then answer a Q with "I hate those people because...". Then so many spoke of love for pets and hate for people, well you get my point. Hate is such an ugly way to express, and share. Freedom of speech is a beautiful right, but hate is a choice we could choose to eliminate.


Favorite Answer

I choose not to use the word hate when expressing feelings of aversion. I for example might say " It frustrates me when people act this way."

I also prefer to emphasize the positive. I'm aware that my feelings of anger and frustration are temporary. People already hear enough expressions of negativity and don't need to be made privy to negative emotions. I would choose to share something positive instead.


Mary good answer in politics, ty. As to your question. Hate is a very strong word. I hate no man and hate no group or class.
I do wonder how those that claim to have love in their heart can cut S.S. and Federal school lunch programs for children that are poor. Why would they want to cut food stamps for the poor. This is not the "GODS LOVE" I know. I have many blessings and I want for nothing. Nor do I have needs above what I already have been blessed with by GODS grace alone.
Why do some that claim to have love in their own heart agree with the killing of civilians in Iraq?


This answer doesn't have anything to do with your question, but then again your answer didn't have jack crap to do with my question.

My friend has an income, and a 5 month old, and a car that's been broken into twice in the last year, and a bunch of other bills. Maybe you should just stick to the question at hand instead of trying to get some points.

Please remove your inane answer from my question and I will reciprocate.


1. Do i know who I am?
Yes, i do know who i am, alot of my self discovery came though my education process and becoming a registered nurse.
2. Do i understand what you mean?
I do, as far as politics i understand completely. As a people one dya we are happy and the next we are sad, we always have excuses to why we feel a certain way but we never stick to it!! Like we don't like abortion but will feel we should have the right as women!! It is like this country was placed on one big oxymoron!!!
3. Can you just make your mind up?
I always have and always do and i very rarely change my mind, because my mom always taught me that when you set your mind to something you can accomplish anything! But this nation contradicts making up your mind because we have the freedom to change it with our freedom of speech. which is great because it is annoying when you just want a straight answer but no one who matters is giving you
one that you really need!!
I feel you completely, MAry!!!


Love and hate are such strong, and very similar, emotions. I'd rather focus my passion on love than hate. I try to feel apathy for anything or anyone I start to feel hate for. Why waste my energy on hate, when I can enjoy the feeling of love for friends?

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