Anyone heard DARE?

OK, this is a long shot, but this has been bugging me for like forever...Does anyone know where I can find the Radio Version of that Gorrilaz song, DARE? I cant find it ANYWHERE...Its not on any of their albums or EPs, and I cant find it on iTunes...Maybe someone has heard it on the radio (I listen to Q101 in Chicago) and knows where I can buy it or (legally) download it? Thanks in advance guys...Peace...


I have bought the cd, and the album version is great but the radio version is better (has more guitar and a better beat) ...oh, and im a musician and I dont believe in stealing music... :-)


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cal you local DJ or Radio station. They may even give you copy if you're cute and drop by the studio


why do you want the radio version? the song is on their cd but i don't know the difference between the radio or the album version. logic dictates that the album version is much better anyway. why would anyone want to download legally for that matter? if you haven't already, just by the cd and be happy with it. i likes it fine.


The music video details say it's on their album Demon Days, does it not? I think that's right, it really wasn't that popular since it has been out since last fall, and I've never heard it on the radio.


Chceck this site if the link works


WELL it can be a song by the band gorillaz or TO stop

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