What is acceptable insulation in home use?

I am looking at finishing part of a basement and would like a thin layer of insulation to help keep it a bit warmer in the winter. I have access to large amounts of foam (not styrofoam http://www.dow.com/styrofoam/what.htm) in varying sizes and if its ok to use would prefer to use this free insulator. Would this violate most building codes or is it perfectly acceptable in small scale use such as this?


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I keep getting a 404 error when I click your link. If you plan on having your work inspected, I'd ask the inspecter what is required. In my area, I think it has to be a minimum of r-11 but r-13 is preferred. If you are doing this on the fly (no permits, no inspections) then use whatever you want, just be aware that this stuff might not have much r value at all, and make no difference in how your basement retains heat. I'd install it so that it would be easy to replace down the road (paneling or something easily removable as opposed to drywall).


Fiberglass batting between the 2x4's works great for us in Upstate SC.