What is the purpose in life?


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we all have a different purpose in life. God made every on of us for a special reason, part of that reason is to know that when we die we go to heaven. that is the most important


I am guessing the perpous of life is to live it. I learned that today. I am only 12 and I have screwed it up so far. I have a really bad attitode that I need to change BADLY! And I learned that this is my last chance. So my suggestion to you is to just be happy. Not if you broke your arm, or something like that.

I guess god is just expeirmenting with us. When you think about some of the dangers you face, you do really hope that there is a heaven.


For life to have a purpose requires some one or some thing to specify a purpose. Since there's no such absolute specification, life has no "purpose." (...that oughta get a rise outta the fundamentalist dweebs)

God is spelled B-I-G B-A-N-G


A spiritual pickle preserving the body from decay. We live in daily apprehension of its loss; yet when lost it is not missed. The question, "Is life worth living?" has been much discussed; particularly by those who think it is not, many of whom have written at great length in support of their view and by careful observance of the laws of health enjoyed for long terms of years the honors of successful controversy.

"Life's not worth living, and that's the truth,"
Carelessly caroled the golden youth.
In manhood still he maintained that view
And held it more strongly the older he grew.
When kicked by a jackass at eighty-three,
"Go fetch me a surgeon at once!" cried he.
Han Soper


life in this world is nothing unless a bridge to the other .the world that u can live in it for ever .u must live some how in this world that god saticfies ..so the purpose is reaching the god ..

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