Deep Fried Pickles. Have you ever?

Recently I visited a Bar & Grill that bragged about their famous "Beer Battered Deep Fried Pickles". Never having expierenced this before, my friend and I just had to partake in this tasty treat.
Well, after trying every dipping sauce available in hopes of finding a way to kill the taste, along with beer to try and wash the suckers down, we wondered how these nasty little pickles could have become so famous?

Please, your thoughts on Deep Fried Pickles? Eat em' up, or throw em' up?

Thanks much!


juju: I adore fried stuffed jalapeƱos dipped in ketchup. Can't get enough of them!


Favorite Answer

very good i put them up there with deep fat fried Armadillo Eggs, some refer to as stuffed fried Jalapenos


Yes, I thought they would be nasty and I like pickles... Well, my best friend made them and I couldn't stop eating them they were so good.... I need the recipe lol Candied Dills are good too, I've only ha the kind from Krogers.... And Whoever said Deep Fried oreos: That sounds awesome too!


yeah this place around my house that is there sepicallty and they are the most discusting thing i have eaten in my life!!! I think they are famous because maybe it were famous in Euroe and they came over to America when the imigrants did when Ellis Island was still open. But i have no idea!


Pickles are gross in any form.