It's now midnight, and I cannot sleep. What time is it where you live?


I'm in the Beautiful State of Michigan. Though Near 70 degrees today, it is quite a blustery night.


Favorite Answer

10:00 PM Monday night, March 13 here in Honolulu, HI. Makes it 3:00 AM Tuesday morning, March 14 in your neck of the woods. Good Morning and Aloha! I hope you were able to get some sleep.


It is now 8:22 pm in Anchorage Alaska. The weather outside isn't too bad. Below freezing but no wind.


Well now, it's only 9:15 here in Cali. Still have a couple of hours to croak before bedtime.

blue bird2006-03-13T21:17:22Z

3:17 pm queensland australia


it's just past 8. When I can't sleep, I take a couple calcium tablets. Better than milk, it helps a lot!

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