Publishing a book - Advice on a Publisher Please?

With so many Publishing Companies out there, it is very difficult knowing who to trust. I am in need of advice on who to talk to about possibility of having my work published.


Favorite Answer

Go to a bookstore or library and look for books that will have a similar readership to yours. Jot down the names of the publishers of those books. That will give you a rough idea of what types of books individual publishers will consider. Also, get a copy of the Writers' and Artists' Yearbook. There's a good chance your local library will have it and it has an absolutely massive listing of publishers, with respective staff- editor in chief, etc.


There is a very long, involved process one must go through before even approaching an agent, who can approach various companies so your work doesn't end up in a slush pile somewhere in dire need of discovery.

Might I suggest you purchase The Everything Book of Publishing. It gives valuable advice on getting your work out there, and step-by-step processes on how to get published.


Sorry no clue.