How many innocent questions of yours have been pulled?

I had my first yesterday, a question that closed over two months ago.


I wrote back protesting and asking for an explanation and got a canned letter saying thanks for participating.


The question was about if the number of responses a question received should be rewarded with points (at the time I had only gotten a couple responses per question asked).

Fancy You2006-03-18T11:21:57Z

Favorite Answer

I believe 3. I emailed Y! asking why they were pulled b/c I didn't understand the reason they gave me BUT I never heard back from them. Oh well, Y!A life goes on...


I guess it wasn't a competely innocent question, but I thought it was legitimate... I asked, "MEN, IS IT EVER OKAY TO HIT A WOMAN?"... it got reported as violence. I had stated under the question that I didn't want any abuser's excuses, that I only wanted to hear in their opinion if it was EVER okay in ANY situation. I got quite a few answers before it was pulled - most of them said no, basically, unless they were actually defending their own life. Then I was going to chose this answer as best that said, "Yeah, if they were trying to hurt that baby of yours." I thought that was cute.

Katie T.2006-03-18T18:45:45Z

Your question might have been deleted because it had a point gaming phrase in it. These are things like:
"Free points"
"Who wants 10 points"
We are going through a long process of removing these types of questions. Hope this clears up some things.


So far I haven't had any of em pulled... I removed one myself because I got no answers but, the rest of them are still there. I have noticed though when looking through my Q & A pages that a few ?'s I answered were removed.

katerina c2006-03-19T01:57:08Z

I haven't seen anything disappear till now, maybe because I use more to answer Q and less to ask Q.
But I see sometimes disappear "innocent" Q that I have answered and I don't know why.


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