Who practices the most uncommon religion here?

Only serious answers, please. No religions you made up yourself or anything like "Jedi" unless you can explain why you consider yourself that in a way that sounds serious. If your religion is so uncommon that most people wouldn't recognize the name of it, please put a brief explanation of it if you can. I'm interested in hearing from people who are not part of the Abrahamic paradigm (i.e. not Christians, Jews or Muslims).


To no_digas_eso: I have heard of Zoroastrianism and Baha'i, thank you for answering.


Favorite Answer

Kemetic Reconstructionist. We attempt to reconstruct the religion of ancient Egypt in a way that is applicable in modern day. It's a newer religion, but with old roots.

Lady of the Pink2006-03-23T19:09:26Z

This page lists the top most popular religions of the world, their current standing (approximate) number of members and their percentage of the world's population: http://www.religioustolerance.org/worldrel.htm

There ARE some people who follow what they call a "Jedi" religion. I don't know a whole lot about it, but I believe it started in Australia. From what I understand, when Star Wars was released in Australia, there was confusion about how some people thought it was actual historical documentaries from space. They took the movies very seriously, and began religiously believing in the Force, the Sith, the Jedi, etc.


sanatan dharma. a hindu sect. it is the oldest sect of hinduism. it started from mother goddess, fertility god, sun worship and kept evolving with time. it never negates previous theories about god . it just modifies them. it is based on logic as well as ancient tradition. if a traditional belief defies logic in present day it is improved accordingly. all the ancient gods are accepted as different facets of same devine.thats why it is sanatan(forever) dharma(righteous )

we believe in one supreme formless god but his manifestation is in whole universe. its shakti(power). it is in every atom. (maharshi Kanad stated sometime b4 christ that everything in this world is made of atoms.) thus each living/nonliving being is a part of that devine soul. when we really comprehend the divine soul and are able to forget self and understand and accept god in totality we get moksha . mean while focus on our karma.


Religion is the permanent boil on mankind's backside and the
source of more hate, violence, and abuse than any other
single force in the history of the world.


I'm a Baha'i.

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