On Will and Grace, is Jack gay in real life? Heard he is straight, find that hard to believe.?


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Lol, I wondered the same thing.....if he is straight then he deserves an award. I've never seen anyone play Gay that good. : )



He actually won't say if he is straight or gay in real life. He doesn't want the gay community to feel he is stereotyping.


Yes he is straight in real life. I watched a Bio or something like that on him..A good actor though


He also appeared in Scrubs as a non gay role. Would definitely appear straight from that performance.


He doesn't divulge his sexual orientation to the public. Which most likely means he's gay, because face it...if he says he's gay in real life he will be pigeonholed into playing gay characters (not that he isn't already). If he says he doesn't divulge that information...he isn't neccessarly lying about his sexual orientation..however he just isn't blatantly saying it

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