If I sort by best answer, shouldn't all of my answers appear?

What do you like about the recent changes? Don't like?
I like to be able to sort by those chosen as best answer.
I do not like the e-mails notifying that an answer was chosen as best.

My questions really was a joke, I know it is by best answer chosen, and no i don't think all of my answers are the best.

Fancy You2006-03-28T09:29:15Z

Favorite Answer

I like your sense of humor Benjiman!

I'm exactly like you, love the sort by best answer thing and hate the email notification. Who has the time to read all that junk email!

katerina c2006-03-27T08:40:12Z

No, this is not always true Benjii Man; there is a bug. When you sort by best answer, not all of your best answers appear marked as best answers.
I have posted that to the forum and they have answered that this happens also to other users and that they are working on it.
About the notifying e-mails, well, I really don't care because they are not so many, so I can just ignore them.
And even because I don't receive my e-mail to my cellular...



I just wish that all of my "best answers" actually showed up when I click on Best Answers. It appears that if a my answer was chosen by vote (not by asker) and no thums up ratings have been posted for it, it doesn't show up on my Best Answers list.

Bill(56 yrs old)2006-03-25T15:39:51Z

Good reasoning there, except that at no point does the 'small print' define "best answer".
Who has defined the criteria for "best answer", probably not you, therefore it won't be your answer that is selected during 'sort'.


There isn't a whole bunch that I don't like about Answers...I like the fact they have spell check...even I make mistakes :-)).

Good to see you have a sense of humor...

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