What are all you pregnant teens planing on doing with your babies?

I am curious, If you are giving them up for adopotion how will you pick the parents?


Favorite Answer

HOPEFULLY putting them up for adoption, because teens cannot afford to give their babies decent lives, for the most part. There are exceptions.

There are adoption agencies that have open adoptions available as a choice for moms. This way the mom still gets to interact with her baby and gets to be a part of the babies life. This is a completely unselfish way of solving the problem.

I feel so sorry for teen moms, because it does rob them of their childhoods, and fun times as a teen. BUT I feel worse for the babies of those that keep them selfishly. Isn't it best to give the baby to parents who will provide good care, stable life, good schools, good insurance, college education,,,,and so on? Rather than being a welfare statistic?


I am not currently a teenager or pregnant, but four years ago, I was both. I kept the baby. Her name is Ashton. She is beautiful, so smart, such a little character. Not a day goes by that I am not thankful I kept her. It sounds cliche, but she is the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish you the best no matter what you decide :)


Too many people view welfare as a career option instead of a temporary safety net.


sell them on ebay


Putting them on WELFARE