where is roy kennedy of St paul Virginia?

his mother died in september 2000, he worked as a security guard. He has a neice called della. writes poetry. was going to have a book published


Favorite Answer

I looked on www.whitepages.com and found two listings under this name. I had to type out Saint Paul, not St. Paul.
If this isn't the right one, maybe they are related and they can help you. Please check out the whitepages.com


Uh. I am going to assume that you are looking for some one. If so, then why the hell would you go to answers.yahoo.com? It doesn't make any sense. “Answers” is a fairly closed community. What? Are you hoping that you will miraculously find Roy and his family? Why not just do a people search or look him up in a phonebook? Don't have a St. Paul, Virginia phonebook? Due to this wondrous invention called the InterWeb (sarcasm in case you were wondering or are an idiot) you can totally go to a website that works like a phone book. It's called whitepages.com, use it and don't waste our precious time.